Saturday, July 28, 2012

Types of Construction

Types of Construction: There are four main construction divisions: 1) residential; 2) building construction; 3) engineering construction; and, 4) industrial construction.  Each is discussed separately below:

Residential Construction:  Single family homes, condos,garden-type apartments and highrise apartments are types of residential construction projects.   
Residential construction projects are a significant economic driver and source of jobs. This comprises approximately 40 - 45% of new construction in a typical year.

ChurchesCommercial Retail

Building Construction: This category includes buildings in the commonly understood sense other than housing that are erected for institutional, educational, light industrial, commercial, social religious,governmental and recreational purposes.   Consists of 25 - 30% of annual new construction.  Design of this construction s typically done by architects, with engineering design services obtained as required.  Construction of these buildings is generally completed by prime contractors or construction managers who subcontract substantial portions of the work to specialty firms.    

Engineering Construction: This category includes structures planned and designed by engineers, which are usually publicly financed.  Examples are highways, airfields and utility infrastructure construction.  20 - 25% of the new construction markets each years oringinates from these types of projects.

Industrial Construction: The erection of projects associated with the manufacture or production of commercial products or services.  these are largely privately financed ventures that comprise 5 - 10% of annual new construction. 

The category includes petroleum refineries, steel mills, chemical plants, smelters, electric-power generating stations, heavy manufacturing facilities and one handling installaions.

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